Profile of Frequent Exhibitors

by Jennifer Rivera
Content Manager, IAEE

Understanding the profile of frequent exhibitors can be very helpful to organizers in helping position their sales and marketing efforts to reach and resonate with organizations that use the exhibition channel extensively today and who plan to increase participation in the near-term future.

The Profile of Frequent Exhibitors report provides a number of insights to help organizers in this area.

Some of the key takeaways from this study:

  1. Though exhibitors that participate in 20 or more exhibitions annually are apt to be larger organizations, “[r]esults suggest growth in exhibition participation is more likely to come from small and medium sized companies.”
  2. “More companies planning on increasing their exhibition schedule in the next several years indicate it requires extensive effort to reach target titles.”
  3. “A greater number of companies that plan to participate in more exhibitions in the next several years plan to allocate more marketing dollars to sponsorships.” This finding points to a major opportunity for ancillary revenues for organizers.

For more insight full information about frequent exhibitor visit this link for the full report: Profile of Frequent Exhibitors

After reading the full report come back and tell us which of the tactics you are using in your marketing efforts?

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